Understanding Ageing in Contemporary Poland: Social and Cultural Perspectives
Posted śr., 2014-10-01 00:36
Temat starości i starzenia się jest dziś na ustach wszystkich – polityków, ekonomistów, dziennikarzy i zwykłych ludzi. Pojawienie się starości w dyskursie medialnym i politycznym uświadamia nam mnogość problemów do rozwiązania, jakie niesie starzenie się społeczeństwa. Badania nad tymi zagadnieniami prowadzą przedstawiciele rozmaitych dyscyplin naukowych – demografii, medycyny, polityki społecznej, ekonomii, psychologii i socjologii. W niniejszej książce zebrano teksty autorów, którzy reprezentują wprawdzie różne dziedziny naukowe, ale łączy ich przekonanie, że starzenie się społeczeństwa należy poddać badaniu, ponieważ ten megatrend kształtuje przyszłość współczesnych społeczeństw i nas wszystkich. Niniejsza książka stanowi interdyscyplinarną próbę uchwycenia wybranych aspektów starości i starzenia się, a w zamieszczonych tu artykułach dominuje perspektywa kulturowa.
The topic of old age and ageing is currently being discussed by everyone from politicians, economists and journalists to ordinary people. It figures as a topic in political and media discourse, highlighting the multitude of problems that result from population ageing and that need to be addressed. These issues are being researched by specialists in a variety of disciplines, including demographics, medicine, social policy, economics, psychology and sociology.
This tome is a collection of texts by authors representing admittedly diverse academic fields, but with a shared conviction that the phenomenon of population ageing merits in-depth research, as this megatrend is shaping the future of contemporary society – and hence affects us all.
The book is subdivided into five parts.
The first part – What is old age nowadays and how do we speak about it? – explores the social construction of old age in rapidly changing societies, old people’s place in social structure, and the language that is used to refer to old age not only in the media, but also in academic and scientific contexts.
The second part – Privacy, intimacy and home – consists of four texts that look at how senior citizens function in the private sphere, i.e. in the context of home and familial care, intimacy, sexuality (including non-heteronormative sexuality) and death.
The texts comprising the third part – Images of old age in contemporary culture – analyse television drama serials, school textbooks and the relationship between clothing/ fashion and (old) age, to show how old age is presented in contemporary culture.
The fourth thematic subsection of the book – Activity and lifestyles in old age – is devoted to issues concerning the way senior citizens lead their lives, including the imposition of social restrictions, as well as changes in lifestyle and the emergence of new lifestyles.
The fifth and final part – entitled Old age in social policy – consists of four texts which present statistical data concerning old age in Poland, local support structures for senior citizens, the evolution of social care homes, and the activity of institutions that deal with old people.
As can be seen from the above overview of the issues touched upon in the respective articles collected here, this book is an interdisciplinary attempt to grasp and address selected aspects of old age and ageing, from a predominantly cultural perspective.
We trust that our book not only provides a range of interesting perspectives on old age and ageing, but that it will also inspire both reflection and extensive further research.
Stella Grotowska, Iwona Taranowicz
Tytuł: Understanding Ageing in Contemporary Poland: Social and Cultural Perspectives
Autor: Stella Grotowska, Iwona Taranowicz (Red.)
Recenzja wydawnicza: prof. dr hab. Maria Libiszowska-Żółtkowska
Temat i słowa kluczowe: starzy ludzie, aktywność w starszym wieku, przestrzeń społeczna ludzi starszych, starzenie się w kulturze popularnej, seniorzy, starość, starsi ludzie, starzenie się style życia seniorów, starzenie się społeczeństwa
Wydawca: Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Identyfikator: ISBN 978-83-63322-24-3 ; oai:www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:58867
Miejsce wydania: Wrocław
Data wydania: 2014
Prawa: © Copyright by Authors
Projekt i wykonanie okładki: Patryk Bochenek
Skład i opracowanie techniczne: Marta Uruska, Tomasz Kalota - eBooki.com.pl
Dostęp online: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/publication/54526
Spis treści
Iwona Taranowicz
Deconstructing old age? On the evolution of social concepts of the late stage of life
Stella Grotowska
Old age – roleless role or time of freedom
Anna Gomóła
Problems with starość (age). On natural and scientific categories
Iwona Burkacka
Are there any attractive names for elderly people in Polish?
Zofia Kawczyńska-Butrym
Potential of elderly persons – from homeland to home abroad
Mariola Bieńko
The sexual aspects of intimacy in old age, in the public and private spheres
Dorota Majka-Rostek
Non-heterosexual ageing
Bartłomiej Gapiński
Old age and death. The perception of old age in the context of death in the Polish countryside at the turn of 20th century and the interwar period (1918–1939)
Beata Łaciak
Portrayal of senior citizens in Polish television drama serials
Karolina Korczewska
Can seniors be trendy? Elderly people in pop culture
Monika Anna Kalinowska
The image of old age in selected cultural texts – an analysis of middle school textbooks for Polish classes
Ewa Banaszak, Robert Florkowski
Fashion and old age. Paradox or tactic of negotiating normality
Anna Kotlarska-Michalska
Limited public and private space for Polish retirees
Joanna Zalewska
The third age in Poland. Pleasure and a new form of sociality
Iwona A. Oliwińska
The lifestyle of senior citizens, or what affects their change
Elżbieta Bojanowska
Activities and lifestyles of elderly people
Sabina Wejner
International initiatives for the benefit of senior citizens
Teresa J. Zbyrad
Marginal of elderly people towards social acceptance. Changes in attitudes to seniors on the example of social help institution
Monika Zwartka-Czekaj
Senior residents of Silesian cities and the social welfare system: challenges and dilemmas for local communities